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FAQs: Public ShareFolder for Microsoft Outlook

Support / FAQ No. 10

Question: “Can´t connect to server”: Error number: "80070005" or "80080005" (DCOM)".


The start of the Public ShareFolder of server takes unusually long time. A message is finally indicated

Start of the server is missed "0x80070005" (or "0x80080005")

A.) The error number "80070005" is a Microsoft DCOM error number. If you look into the "Windows event viewer", you will see under "Systems" some "DCOM" connection Errors. This error number means, that the Windows of the client is not allowed to communicate with the Windows of the "server" over the Microsoft DCOM protocoll. What is the DCOM (Distributed COM) protocoll? The DCOM protocoll is a Microsoft security protocoll and protects your network for anonymous and not authorized communication. Please check in the connection between your computers, if there is something that could block the DCOM communication as special Virus protection software, Wireless LAN or Firewalls. You will find some general information in our FAQ No. 04. 

B.) A possible reason: Outlook® is not installed or configured.
Open at first your Outlook® on the server. If you can access all contents of the files and also all folders, check please in the next step the installed Outlook® profiles:

1. Go to the control panel and doubleclick on “Mail”.

2. Click on „Show profiles“

3. If you have more then 1 Outlook® profile installed, plese delete old and no more used profiles.

4.Start the Public ShareFolder server again and try again the connection.


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