
CeBit Award: Hannover, 16th of March 2003
The SDMD GmbH was distinguished on the biggest IT-Fair of the world "CeBit 2003" with the Future Market Award.
The Award is for the best innovations and the fastest market entrance.
The company SDMD GmbH sales the Outlook® network solution Public ShareFolder® at present with more than 200 partners into at present 9 different countries.
The jury and the podium were:
- Prof. Dr. Heinz Thielmann (Direktor, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft)
- Engelbert Böhm-Beck (Federal Ministry for education and research)
- Prof. Dr. August Scheer (Founder, IDS Scheer Corp.)
- Dr. Hartmut Höhne (Executive committee, German innovation forum)
- Klaus Plönzke (Executive committee, Plönzke Holding Corp.)
- Eckard Utpadel (Executive committee, IT-Adventure Corp.)
Many thanks to the jury for the award. |