You would like to synchronise your Microsoft Outlook on a PC with your notebook? |
Allocation of individual files: You can select each file individually. |
Escalation inquiry: You will be asked, which data record you would like to use, if both data records (PC and Notebook) were changed. |
No inadvertent deletion: You get an overview which data records were deleted, before the synchronisation start. |
Visual control: You receive a graphic opinion, which file is synchronised and which profile is used. |
Public ShareFolder: You work with Public ShareFolder and you can synchronise your personal file with the "public folders". |
That offers the Public SyncTool (PST) |
Notebook - PC |
Public ShareFolder - Notebook - PC |
The administration surface: |
Coloured announcement as graphic support with the selection of the files for your attitudes. |
Clear separation between the local and global file, which is to be synchronised. |
The settings can be made with a mouse or over the keyboard. |
Supported several profiles, if you liked to adjust e.g. only contacts or only calendars. |
What is synchronisation? |
If you are using additionally to your desktop PC also a notebook, you would like to keep the Microsoft Outlook data of both systems synchronous surely. Doubled or even repeated data retention (redundancies) should be avoided in a network, if possible, or do you copy each document that lies on the server, additionally again on each PC?
Notebooks or Handheld PC (Palm, PDA, Blackberry etc..) make here an exception. To synchronise Microsoft Outlook between a PC and a notebook you have the following variants:
- Install Microsoft® Exchange Server
- Copy regularly the Personal Folders
- Install synchronisation software: Public SyncTool (PST)
To copy regularly the "Personal Folders" is exactly said no synchronisation. Synchronisation is called literal: Manufacturing the parallel feed of procedures or machines.
Transfer in our case: Providing two data records and the exchange of new information equal by older entries, whereby only the part of the data record is changed, which is unequal.
A temporally current entry is not compellingly the correct one thereby.
Example: |
You are on the way to a customer discussion and another customer call you at 3:00 pm in order to shift a date for the next day for 2 hours. At 4:00 pm this customer calls again in your company and communicates to your secretary that the date must fail unfortunately completely and your mobile telephone was unfortunately switched off and he did not want to speak on the mailbox.
Around 4:15 pm your secretary deletes this date from your calendar.
You register in the evening around 7:00 pm the shift date in your Notebook, because you had before no time in addition, because you were in a customer discussion. Now you connect yourself with your company by Dial-In and you want to synchronise this date.
The temporally current date is the shifted date, not the deleted. Without escalation inquiry you would drive 350 km thus on the next day to a customer, who definitely will not be there.
But we developed an inquiry, which protects you against such cases. With the Public SyncTool a list will indicate you, as soon as both entries were changed.
Pricing/License: |
Have a look on the price list for the cost of a single Public SyncTool license: price list
For Public ShareFolder users the Public SyncTool is for free!
The Public ShareFolder licence is also for the Public SyncTool for the number of licensed clients valid.
Public SyncTool (PST)
The Microsoft Outlook synchronisation software for notebooks. |
Benefit for your company |
PST: Notebook synchronisation without Microsoft Exchange Server |
PST: Escalation inquiry by reciprocally changed entries |
PST: Supported also the "Public Folders" of Public ShareFolder |
PST: Off-lines entered data are available with Public ShareFolder for everybody |
PST: Integrates itself smoothly for the user of Public ShareFolder |
PST: Is easy to administrate |
PST: Reduces operating time and costs |
PST: Been based on the stable Microsoft® Windows NT® systems |
PST: Offers optimal investment protection |
Benefit for the users |
PST: Only updated data are synchronised |
PST: Escalation inquiry with reciprocally changed entries |
PST: Visualized surface for support at the administration |
PST: Support of several synchronisation profiles |
PST: Supported also the "Public Folders" of Public ShareFolder |
PST: No loss of the attitudes by off-line function |
PST: Is easy to administrate |
PST: Offers optimal investment protection |
Support and Contact: For any further questions do not hesitate to contact us:
SDMD GmbH, Hamburg, Germany:

Our products support all current release versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, except Outlook x64 versions. But even Microsoft recommends to Outlook 32-bit versions instead of the 64-bit version as there are many incompatibilities to other programs.

Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

SDMD: We connect companies. :-)

Why do the windows of these tips do not pop-up? |
Did you possibly install a POP-UP blocker? |
What is the difference to Public ShareFolder? |
Better question: What is the difference between a Store Provider and a synchronisation program? |
open... |
What is the difference to NetFolders? |
The sense or nonsense of synchronisation. |
open... |
What does not work with the Public SyncTool? |
All programs have limits. We tell you the limits of Public SyncTool. |
open... |
What can I synchronize with the Public SyncTool? |
or how you can synchronize an Microsoft Exchange mailbox with a PST. |
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Is there an escalation inquiry? |
How does Public SyncTool protect me against the unintentional deletion of data during the synchronisation? |
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What costs Public SyncTool? |
How can I use the SyncTool for free as Public ShareFolder user? |
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Which Microsoft Outlook version is supported? |
Supports Public SyncTool also Microsoft Outlook 2007? |
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Why are new created files are not synchronized automatically? |
Must I put on each file always twice, to synchronize him? |
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Supports Public SyncTool also Microsoft Outlook Express? |
The difference between a PST (Microsoft Outlook) and a DBX file (Microsoft Outlook Express). |
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How does duplicates be produced? |
and how to eliminates them. |
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Why "deleted objects" and "send items" are not synchronized? |
Why you should not synchronize "nothing"? |
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Why there is no permanent synchronisation function? |
or how quickly does my network have to be or how often do I want to be disturbed? |
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How can I install the Public SyncTool without Public ShareFolder |
Why should you know what is an Microsoft Outlook profile? |
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